Our Social Impact Commitment
Flightcon is totally committed to giving back and empowering others in their life’s call and journey.
Our aim is two-fold. Firstly to use our physical resource to help micro and small businesses (up to 5 people). As our offices grow this could be through making space available to a start-up rent free and for them to have use of the equipment on a “cost only” basis. Secondly, we want to reach the place where we can take a percentage of our profits (amongst other ways) to train people and/or provide bursary & grants, support city transformation projects, using micro-loans to help businesses grow to impact their communities. As an international organization, these will not be limited to North America or western cultures.
And as time is often our most precious individual commodity, we already support, mentor and advise business leaders and people all over the world. Giving back can take many forms and often having someone to talk through challenges we face can have the greatest business, emotional and mental health impact.