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Supersonic Travel

(2 customer reviews)


This popular and comprehensive book released in November 2021 and available for global shipping.

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SKU: 9781910848418 Category:


Written by renowned journalist, Andreas Spaeth, this comprehensive and up to date book looks at the past, present and future of supersonic travel.

It covers the earliest military vision, trials and success. The commercial race between Russia and Europe is explored in great details, as well as America’s attempt to build their own planes.

It looks at the Concorde & TU-144 crashes, the impact of the 9-11 tragedy on Concorde and supersonic travel, the last flights and retirement of Concorde, before a detailed look the future of supersonic over the coming decades.

Full of rare photographs, first hand stories and interviews, the book includes a gallery section of images covering the last 70 years of travelling at the speed of sound.

page size: 12 inches by 9.5 inches (305mm by 240mm)  :  pages: 240  :  hardcover, landscape format

Payment can me made in any PayPal currency options based on the US Dollar price.   The book will be Ground shipped from USA or UK depending where the person lives.   Courier or Priority shipping available at additional cost – email for a quote.  A replacement book cannot be sent if the original shipment does not arrive by regular postal service.

eBook version will be available via Amazon during 2022 and a link shown here when it is available




Additional information

Dimensions 312 × 247 × 22 cm

2 reviews for Supersonic Travel

  1. Marco Venzelaar

    A very comprehensive overview of all supersonic travel. Beautiful photos and lots of insights. 244 pages of just aviation pleasure! I can’t wait to see the next instalment.

  2. Jean Berti (verified owner)

    Fligtcon never answer to customers
    Ordered 3 books never received them !

    • David Powell

      Hello Jean
      I sent you the dpd tracking number after we exchanged emails…. have the couriers been in touch with you yet?

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