+44 (0) 1932 845 296 : +1 210-209-9400 weare@flightcon.net

Welcome to FlightCon International

Premium Aviation Photos, Information, and News

Aviation News




We are creating a free to view gallery that will hold thousands of aircraft photographs from leading photographers and Flightcon members.  We are currently loading archive images and those from airlines and manufacturers, and will expand the number of photographs throughout the rest of the year through collaboration with photographers around the world.

To start, only Flightcon members will be able post their photographs to the gallery.




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A380 – The Last Giant

A380 – The Last Giant

A comprehensive look at the A380 from concept to the final delivery flight in early 2022, with inside accounts from Airbus and many of the airlines flying this modern icon.

Packed with photographs, this book has sold thousands of copies in Germany and is now available in English for the first time.

Special Interest Groups


We have created seven special interest groups to allow members to follow their area/areas of interest.  This will allow members with interests in the same area to connect and to have access to information about their shared interest: